apex apex n. 頂点; 絶頂.【形容詞 名詞+】the solar apex〔天文〕 太陽向点.【前置詞+】at the apex of a triangle三角形の頂点でHe was at the apex of his power.権勢の絶頂にあった.【+前置詞】the apex of a cone円錐形の頂点the apex of a triangle三角関係の頂点She has rea
sun 1sun n. 太陽; 日光, ひなた.【動詞+】Clouds blocked (out) the sun.雲が太陽をさえぎったThe earth circles the sun.地球は太陽のまわりを回るA cloud covered the sun.雲が太陽をおおっ(てい)たClouds darkened the sun.雲で太陽が暗くなったThis room never gets any
the sun the sun天道てんとうてんどう御日様お日様おひさま日輪にちりん天道様てんとうさま天日てんじつてんぴ
with the sun 日の出とともに、右回り{みぎまわり}にBefore electric lighting, many people got up with the sun and went to bed before 8 p.m. 電灯の発明前は、多くの人が日の出とともに起きて、午後8時前には床についた。